Monday 25 January 2010

Story Board

In order to construct my teaser trailer and to give me a guideline as to what scenes I am going to record and in what order, I decided on creating a storyboard of each scene that is going to take place. Below is my storyboard along with a rough outline of what is happening in each scene.

The opening scene will begin with footage of a train going ahead.

This will then cut to an extreme close up shot of one of the anonymous victim's laying on the ground - dead.

Scene will then cut back to the train still moving ahead.

WarnerBros. will then appear on screen so as to show the major conglomerate who is essentially funding my film and will also make my trailer look more authentic and effective as most trailers state the conglomerate who is funding their film.

"Lose Your Mind" will then appear on screen so as to engage the viewer further into the trailer and into the narrative itself.

Medium close up shot of the main character walking past the psychotic villain.

The villain will then jump out on the main character, who in turn looks twice to see whether or not the villain is actually real. This shot will be slowed down so as to have more of an effect on the viewer.

Will then cut to the main character running frantically in fright and this shot will be in subjective point on view.

The next scene is of the main character sitting on the bathroom floor feeling vulnerable and in terror of what they have just witnessed.

Cuts to the villain who has a knife in their hands and is making their way to their victim.

The main character is washing their hands and splashing water on their face trying to calm themselves down.

Once the central character looks up into the mirror, they see the villain in the mirror who is holding a knife thus terrifying them further.

The next scene is of the central character lying on the floor. Quick paced close up shots of firstly, her hand holding the knife that the villain was holding previously.

Then of her other hand which has cuts and blood markings.

And finally, a shot of her whole body lying dead on the floor with the villain looking over.

Cuts back to the bathroom scene, once the victim has seen the killer in the mirror, they turn around, however the killer is no longer there.

Close up shot of the killer holding the knife and looking menacing and fearful.

Next shot is of one of the character's who has been previously killed by this villain.

Cuts back to the train which is now in reverse angle shot.

Extreme close up shot of the person who has been previously killed.

Title of the movie appears - Unconscious.

Final shot is of the villain who is again jumping out but this time at the viewer themselves thus making them feel like a victim.

Release date of the film is then given.

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