Tuesday 5 January 2010

Research and Planning (summary of why I did my pre-production)

The reasons for why I conducted thorough research about the history of horror films, is so I could gain a greater understanding of the creative processes that are typically seen in many horror films today and how they have changed dramatically over the years in order to adapt and satisfy each new generation. I acknowledged how Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, became such an influential horror film for numerous directors as Hitchcock himself had pioneered many techniques within the thriller genre and had therefore opened up a whole new genre for other directors to experiment with. I recognised and discussed the different themes that have been introduced over the years to the horror industry and learned how the themes have gradually evolved from supernatural monsters to devil possession to alien invasions to psychopathic killers etc.

From producing a case study of two popular slasher films, Halloween (1978) and Saw (2004), I was able to analyze and compare the opening scenes of both films in terms of mise-en-scene, camera shots, themes, sound and representation. I was then able to discuss the similarities and differences of both films and comment on how the techniques have changed and evolved over the years.

Due to the classification of my film being suitable for viewers who are aged eighteen and above, I distributed my questionnaire to other members of my year as they fall into this age group. This allowed me to get the best response to each given question and will ultimately help me to produce an effective trailer. This is why creating a questionnaire was essential.

My textual analysis of the opening sequence to Scream and of The Shining, both assisted me in acknowledging the conventions that are typically associated with the horror genre and what practical techniques were put in place by each director to make the narrative more exciting and heart-pumping for the audience. In terms of mise-en-scene, camera angles, sound and editing, I was able to note and recognise what typical elements are used within the horror genre to produce a more apprehensive story line and therefore result in the audience feeling tense and uneasy.

Overall my pre-production altogether has helped me gain a better perspective as to what the film industry itself does in order to produce a successful horror film and what conventions and techniques are typically seen within the narrative and how they have developed over time in order to satisfy each new generation. Each step of my pre-production has enabled me to produce a successful idea for my teaser trailer and what typical conventions should be made apparent within the narrative.

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